Design News
In Depth CSS: New CSS3 Styles
A run down of the major new additions CSS3 bring to the table.
Simply Zen CSS Template
An awesome free to download modern single page CSS based template. Another great freebie by 6AM Designs worth a second look.
Totally Unscripted Movie Reviews
A simple, modern CSS based Newsletter Template offered as a free download by 6AM Designs, worth a look!
STD Ad Pictures
Don't let the title fool you, but creative design as this article states comes in all forms. An example of smart designed, inspiring Ad campaigns about STD.
Cross Browser CSS Transforms
The CSS transform property allows developers to rotate, scale, and skew blocks of HTML via CSS. See how to get this effect working in IE as well.
jQuery Reel plugin
A jQuery plugin that takes a series of images and turns them into a draggable, 360 panoramic image.
Ultimate Roundup of Free User Interface Icons
As the title suggests, a huge and extensive collection of user interface icons for your site.
Interview with the Web Designer, Damian Herrington
A candid interview with the new up and coming UK designer, Damian Herrington.